Jesus found Peter and John one day when they had tried fishing, but could not make a good catch.

Luke 22:24-34

There are two major problems with most weak believers today.

(1) Problems with guilt over past sins.

(2) Problems with guilt over the idea they are not good enough presently.

Peter knew what it was like to go through a trial. He did.

The disciples fought over who would be the greatest in the Kingdom.

In verse 30 He said that the disciples would eat and drink at HIS TABLE in HIs kingdom.

Then Jesus turned to Simon Peter and told him that Satan wanted "all of you" (the term "you" in verse 31 is a plural "you" meaning all of the disciples.)

To say that Peter would be converted was to say that he would STRAY away from the walk, but RETURN again, since the term converted in this instance means TURN BACK. Jesus implied he would walk away.

Now let me point out that Christ had faith in his prayers.

Peter caught this little reference to having need to turn back, or be converted, due to an obvious implication that Jesus must have meant Peter would backslide. John's account in John 13:36-38 shows Peter insisting that he would indeed follow Jesus. Instead of saying you will return and be converted, He said in John, "You will follow me afterwards."

Jesus predicted the denial of Peter and the return of Peter to the will of God where Peter would once again follow Jesus.

Peter simply could not stop himself from slipping no matter how much he resisted the thought of failing Jesus.

In John 18:10 Peter tried to follow Jesus all the way. In verses 15-18 we see him slip. A relative of Malchus, a servant, recognized him, too, but again Peter denied Christ.

Peter turned away from following Jesus.

Faith was sifted out.

Luke 22:60-62 shows Peter's guilt and condemnation.

Thinking when we make a mistake that God hates us is so incorrect! Our mistake is that we feel God hates us because FAITH FAILS US. Jesus died and was a sacrifice for any mistake you might ever make. Luke 22:28-30

Peter remembered those words about eating and drinking in the kingdom.

Luke 22:27 Jesus said He served them.

By coals of fire that morning, Peter denied Jesus.

He forgot all about, "When you are converted."

But the truth was that Jesus still loved Peter!

SOME OF YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT GOD KNOWS YOU LOVE HIM. You fail and then you think there is something wrong with your desire. Paul experienced this according to Romans 7:18. You have a good desire, but you need more than desire. You do not realize you need to depend upon the Spirit of God in order for you to do the good things you will to do. The concept of the knowledge of good and evil says that all you need is to acquire the knowledge of what is good and what is evil, so you can do the good and refuse the evil.

This is totally incorrect.

God wanted Adam to HAVE LIFE and not knowledge. The angel told Mary to inform Jesus' disciples of His resurrection, and specifically named Peter.

Peter let John ran ahead, for he still felt Jesus did not want him.

Peter later went fishing on the Sea of Tiberius.

John 21:4 John yelled to Peter, "its the Lord!"

John recognized that these were the same words spoken to them when they were first confronted with Jesus.

Who jumped and headed for Jesus?

Exactly the scene where Peter denied Jesus!

Early in the morning did Peter deny the Lord by coals of fire. Again it was early in the morning.

Peter felt he lost the chance to have Jesus serve him in the Kingdom (Luke 22:27, 30) due to his error. And Peter was filled with condemnation.

Peter felt that since he stopped following the Lord and stopped continuing in the trials with the Lord that Jesus would never serve Him in the Kingdom now!


It was like Jesus said, "Peter, now you have turned around! You are converted! You are back on track.

Then we read...


Jesus asked it again and Peter answered again, and THE SECOND DENIAL WAS DEALT WITH AND CANCELED.

A third time this occurred, and Peter replied this time saying, "Lord you know all things." Then Jesus said FEED MY SHEEP. In other words, STRENGTHEN THE BRETHREN!

Three times Jesus had him answer this question in order to cancel out the three times Peter denied Jesus.

And Jesus was trying to get Peter to realize something.

Continue with me again, Peter.

Child of God, you may have erred, but you are not too far off-track if you did not mean it and always loved God even after your error.

Peter later went on to preach Acts 2:38, the great message of salvation.